I'm so glad you're here

My name is Lauren, some people on the internet know me as LO. I’m an aging millennial with middle age on the horizon who was an overachiever turned cheerful nihilist. I am pro: naps, vacations, quitting your job, staying high, calling out bullshit in person, minding my business,  and being kind whenever possible (and only when deserved). 

I have been blogging off and on, through different names, since the early 2000s. just high LO is the current iteration and the one most catered to where my interests intersect: food, videography, and cannabis. Will it be the permanent iteration? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Why I started this blog

I started this blog at a time when I really needed a creative outlet. Initially, I thought it might be a fun way to review products (and maybe get some for free or, even better, make a little money on the side). I knew I wanted to focus on cannabis in some way because I saw a gap in cannabis-focused educational articles for regular people who lean on the feminine side. Not for people in the industry, not for the bros (no offense, bros, I’m sure some of you are very fine people).

And it didn’t take long for me to pivot to focusing on edibles and teaching others how to infuse once I noticed another gap. This one I found right at the dispensary. Edibles that weren’t served in candy form. Don’t get me wrong, I like candy. But I prefer a sandwich. 

Am I an edible expert?

Not by any stretch would I allow me to tell you I am an expert. That’s laughable, and my ego is not that needy. However, I know that I know more than most when it comes to home-cooked edibles, and I’m great at fact-checking and searching for information, even if that means I’m doing some light experiments myself. 

Further, I have been making edibles for most of my adult life. I have nearly 15 years of making my friends and family see the stars. Even if my infusions didn’t always work for me personally. I thought my first batch of brownies was a complete failure until I glumly passed them around to eager friends. Warning them not to be disappointed because the brownies were so weak. They were not disappointed because they were not ineffective for them.  

Over the years, I’ve honed my skills and learned how to make better edibles. Remedies that work for me. Infusions that work for my friends, family, and neighbors. I continue to educate myself daily; I read books, and comments in threads, subreddits, and groups; I watch what my peers are doing on social media.

Have a question about making edibles?

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